How To Create Adsense In The Middle of Blog Post

Adsense In The Middle of Blog Post

MY BACKLINK - In this post my backlink discuss about tutorial how to install adsense in the middle of blog post. Actually there are so many articles that discuss about this tutorial, but coincidence in this blog has not been discussing this tutorial so I make this tutorial post to you.

The benefits of tutorial install adsense in the middle of this blog post that you can further increase Google Adsense revenue on your blog with a higher clickthrough rate and usually will more interest to readers with ad content that is displayed because of the position of a strategic ad in the middle of the blog post .

Here's how to install adsense in the middle of blog posts

The way is very easy, here you just need to replace the specific code in the template and replace it with the code that I will give in the guide below.

1. Please login to Blogger and select the blog you want to edit.

2. Click the Template menu, click the Edit HTML button, then search and replace this code <data:post.body/> in your template with the code below.

Read also How to Install Google AdSense In-Feed Ads on Blogger

Inside the template you will find some <data:post.body/> code depending on the template you are using, try it one by one until the ads appear in the page of your blog article.

Adsense In The Middle of Blog Post

Read also How to Create an AMP Adsense Unit on Blogger

<div expr:id='"ads1" +'></div>
<div style="clear:both; margin:10px 0">
<div expr:id='"ads2" +'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var obj0=document.getElementById("ads1<>");
var obj1=document.getElementById("ads2<>");
var s=obj1.innerHTML;
var t=s.substr(0,s.length/2);
var r=t.lastIndexOf(" ");
if(r>0) {obj0.innerHTML=s.substr(0,r);obj1.innerHTML=s.substr(r+1);}

Please note, the above script will place the ad exactly in the middle of the post, or in other words, the script will count all the words in your article and divide it into 2 (see the code line var t=s.substr(0,s.length/2);), then insert ads at that point.

To parse the Adsense code, can use this tools parse here.

3. Save the template and see the results.

Well, please apply the tutorial how to install adsense in the middle of this blog post on your blog. Hopefully will be able to improve CTR ads on your blog.