How To Make Responsive Floating Ads with Close button in Blog

Responsive Floating Ads

MyBacklink86 - This time My Backlink will give a tutorial on how to advertise drift (Fixed banner ad or text) that has been unresponsive to additional blog the close button below.

Most people start a blog as a hobby, but there is also the purpose to make friends, increase sales online store, make money and so forth. As a means of supporting the activity of blogging, my friend can put advertising space on the blog to help advertisers promote their products.

Banner ads that float with additional buddy close button may often encounter in a blog or forum that installed it. The close button serves as an alternative if the visitor was annoyed because he had read the content was blocked by floating banner.

Responsive Floating Ads

Here's How to Install Floating Ads Responsive with Close Button :

Go to Blogger >> Template >> Then add the following code before the </body>

<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function() {$(&#39;img#closed&#39;).click(function(){$(&#39;#bl_banner&#39;).hide(90);});});
<div id='fixedban' style='width:100%;margin:auto;text-align:center;float:none;overflow:hidden;display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:0;z-index:999;-webkit-transform:translateZ(0);'>
<div><a id='close-fixedban' onclick='document.getElementById(&apos;fixedban&apos;).style.display = &apos;none&apos;;' style='cursor:pointer;'><img alt='close' src='' title='close button' style='vertical-align:middle;'/></a></div>
<div style='text-align:center;display:block;max-width:728px;height:auto;overflow:hidden;margin:auto'>
<a href='#' title='Banner ad here'><img style='max-width:100%;height:auto;vertical-align:middle;' alt='Banner iklan disini' src=''/></a>

Change width and banner ads on the code marked according to your wish.

Save Template

Responsive Floating Ads is very good for use on a mobile site to see.